Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sinulog Fever

I started noticing Xomi was warm to the touch on Friday morning. I checked her temperature, and it was 38 degrees Celsius. I gave her paracetamol. She was still active and very playful. No hints of being sick at all.

The next day, Saturday, I woke up to find out her temperature was 38.2 degrees. We went to her pedia to have her checked. Her lungs were clean, and she had a slight cold.

It might be viral or roseola. Typically, the fever only lasts for 48 hours. Everytime I checked Xomi's temperature was beyond 37.5 degrees; my eyes welled up in tears. Every parent would be worried and uneasy when her child is sick.

Sunday, while everyone was on the streets celebrating the festivity of Sinulog, we all stayed home. True enough, her fever only lasted for 48 hours.

Lord, thank you for always keeping my child and for taking care of her! Thank you for your faithfulness.

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